Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sunday, August 23: Day 72

It was kind of a stressful day, but also a fun one. It was my last day teaching my Sunday School class so I was really sad during church about that. The class gave me some good advice about being a seminary teacher, though, and I know we'll still have them over. It's still sad. No use trying to be positive about it. It will just take a bit of time to get over it.

After church I finished decorating the cupcakes I'd be using at seminary orientation. Then the Simper's had us over for my birthday dinner. I forgot to mention that for breakfast, Matthias made me waffles with sausage. I made buttermilk syrup (yummmmmm. Oh my goodness, yum). He's going to take me on a surprise overnight trip somewhere in a couple of weeks for my gift. I'm excited for that!
Buttermilk syrup:I know, the picture is sideways. I don't feel like going back to change it.
Anyway, Jenny took my request for dinner: macaroni and cheese with reindeer sausage and cream soda. She also made green beans and garlic bread. Delicious! I gave her my mom's recipe of the mac-n-cheese and it was so tasty. Then we ate the cake I brought along, toffee cake, with pralines and cream ice cream. All of my favorites! They were so kind to have us over. It was nice to not have to worry about dinner and have someone besides the two of us to share part of the day with.
Jenny was trying to sport her cast but the photographer cut it off, making it look a little bit weird that she only has one pant leg down. I figured an explanation was in order.
The other stressful part besides Sunday school was seminary orientation. I was worried about presenting the grading policies and trying to convince everyone that coming to my class was going to be fun. I think the cupcakes helped. It at least ended things on a good note. I felt so relieved when it was over. I can tell I will really enjoy this class, and loved putting faces to the names on my roll sheet.

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