Thursday, August 27, 2009

Friday, August 21: Day 70

Today my friend, who is also my visiting teacher, brought me a healthy salad for lunch. I loved it! It was my first time eating feta cheese. I was worried it would taste like goat cheese and was a little bit hesitant on the first bite but it was actually really good. The salad was a spring mix of lettuces, strawberries, kiwi, almonds, and feta cheese. It was so kind of her to bring it with her lesson and it really made my day. I think sometimes it's easy to think that if a person is an active member of the church that they don't need a visit but I really appreciate it every time.


  1. It looks like a salad from Zupa's! And what's wrong with goat cheese?

  2. everything. Everything is wrong with goat cheese. It's goat-y and cheesey.
