Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Friday, July 31: Day 49

Today was the ward camp-out! I spent the morning and afternoon preparing. Being on the activities committee, I went and bought food for breakfast and called some of the people who signed up to bring food. I also made a huge salad with apple chunks, almonds, cheese chunks, and corn chips. Yummm. And then, of course, packing. Matthias couldn't find a sub for the temple so it was just me until about 10:45 p.m. Julie Monson (see lovely lady in picture below with her daughter in the tent) gave me a ride. After dinner, there was a big game of ultimate frisbee: adults vs. youth, which was pretty competitive.
Then, the animal game (as described during girl's camp week). Here are some key pictures of some of the animals. First, David Wilcox being the monkey:
And Lori Bentley doing I can't remember what animal. But it looks good:
Later on, we played a game that I'm not sure what the name of it is. But it consists of patting a broom on the ground while saying "Peaches! Peaches! I love peaches! I love peaches, _____" I forgot the last phrase...."give me some?" I don't know....anyway, there's more to the game but it's almost more work to explain than it's worth. The point of it to me, was to watch everyone go up and do something silly with the broom and take their picture. That was the fun part.
And Kristy:
Matthias finally came! I had to get a picture of him and it turned out like a zombie-eating-a-s'more picture. It cracked us up so much that I decided not to take a redo and just post this one, purely for the fun of the memory of how much we laughed over it.
Okay, looking at litte Jenna Gardner makes me want to have children. She is one of the most adorable little girls. I'd have to say the cutest one besides my ultra-cute niece McKenzie (who is much older now, so Jenna is in first for girls under 5 years old). Just look at her:


  1. How fun! How big is your ward?

  2. It's pretty typical. About the same size as our Springville one.
