Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Saturday, August 1: Day 50

Breakfast at the campout and look who I find relaxing:
I just don't know if it could get any cuter. Things wrapped up around 11:00 and then Matthias and I decided to go on a hike. We went up the highway about 10 minutes to a trailhead to see "Thunderbird Falls". It's a 200 ft waterfall that I had read about but never seen. The main trail took us along a drop-off with the creek running below. These trees are literally right on the side of the cliff. I don't know if you can tell, but the creek water is peeking through the holes between the trunks. The drop-off was probably a couple hundred feet or so, and it was almost completely vertical.
Then we got to the main viewpoint...
...which seemed very anti-climatic. Doesn't it look small? I mean, it's beautiful, for sure but I felt a bit mislead....the stuff I read said 200 ft. Well, we found a side trail that led to the bottom, where you could walk alongside the creek. It led right up to the waterfall and we were not disappointed. Although we couldn't see the top part of the falls, we could get really close to the bottom part and it was amazing! We were so close the air around us was all misty. This first picture is on the way down. There were so many layers of green.
And then walking up to the base:
A little further:
I love waterfalls!
One of the best parts about finding this side trail was that we came across a bear!

1 comment:

  1. You are a really great photographer. I could use some lessons.
