Thursday, August 27, 2009

Saturday, August 22: Day 71

It was so nice out this morning! Thy and I went running at Hanshew Middle School's track, where we've been going every time it's nice out and we aren't lifting weights that day. This morning I wish I would have had a camera because there was a huge flock of geese in the middle field the track goes around. They were honking and eating worms. I'm pretty sure they're Canadian geese. That combined with the view of the coast would have made for a good picture. But anyway, it was kind of fun to run around them and watch them chase each other around.

I spent most the afternoon making these:
We had them at our going-away party for Daniel Schwicht, who is in my Sunday School class. He's off to BYU-Provo next week and we'll miss him a lot! I'll always remember when I first met him and we played "two truths and a lie". His lie was that he was a really good ballet dancer. I wanted to call him on it, but was afraid that maybe he actually was a ballet dancer and didn't want to offend him so I picked something else.This is him on the left, Matt Rindlisbaucher on the right.Cara and Haleigh showed us some of their moves. Something about a shaky leg? Snakey leg? I'm not sure. It made me feel old because they knew all of these moves that had names I had no idea about. It was a fun night. I knew at that point that I wouldn't be there Sunday School teacher past the next day so I had to hide the sad I was feeling. They are such a good class. I love 'em!

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