Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wednesday, October 28: Day 139

Tonight Matthias and I got a good laugh out of this tree I tried to cut out of posterboard:
It's supposed to be the Olive Tree from Jacob 5 for a lesson tomorrow in seminary. We're doing a combined activity with the other 3 classes and I'm in charge of giving a history of the scattering and gathering of Israel and how that relates to the olive tree allegory. This was precisely the topic I was avoiding because it is not one I feel expertish about. Fortunately as I was reading I got this idea that I thought would make it more real for them but it required me to cut out a tree...and before you say that is the ugliest tree cut-out you've ever seen before let me just say it could be a lot worse. I am not including the before-I-trimmed-up-the-branches picture. Luckily Halloween is just around the corner and I can just say I meant it to look spooky for that very reason.

1 comment:

  1. You can tell it's a tree--that's the important part!
    I don't envy you the Olive Tree Allegory. I always skip over that!
