Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Brain Cloud: Day 4

So I've been feeling a bit under the weather the past day or so and I was telling Matthias that I think I have a brain cloud. Even though I'm mostly joking...let me just tell you my symptoms: I feel like there is an inflated balloon inside my head. I'm also extremely tired almost like when I had mono but not as bad. Those are my only two symptoms. I couldn't help but think of Joe vs. the Volcano. This scene is where he quits because of his brain cloud diagnosis. Fortunately for me, I don't have an awful job to quit, but I am a bit curious about what's going on. Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. No idea's for the brain cloud, but I like the Alaska blog page idea. What a different place to live. And I love the picture of you on the top, you look so outdoorsy! I'm excited to learn more about Alaska. Do you think we will have a ten year reunion? If we do are you going to go?
